4796 Ludwigsburg PH

auch eine Perspektive: Opus 4796 gesucht!

ein Organist aus Cornwall, der vor Jahrzehnten Deutschland besuchte und dort die beiden Walcker-Orgeln Opus 4796, Ludwigsburg PH, III/42, elektr. Schleifladen, Bj 1966 und das E-Positiv Opus 4886, II/12, antraf, die er als die "most wonderful and memorable sound that I had never heard in this country before..." bezeichnete, und nun in einer Email weitere Daten von diesen Instrumenten suchte. Bemerkt hatte der seit 40 Jahren tätige Organist, dass er sich wunderte, nichts von diesen Instrumenten auf dem Internet zu finden. Auch das eine Bewertung des Walcker-Orgelbau aus den 60er Jahren.
Dieser ganze Vorgang hat mich amüsiert. Gewissermaßen ist es ein unfreiwilliger Kommentar von "außen" über unsere "noch" ungeliebte Orgelvergangenheit der 60er Jahre. Es ist, als seien hier die ersten Vorboten einer Renaissance des "Neo". Wenn gleich ich mir, nach Erleiden des Tamburini-Ripienismus 1964, eine "Rekonvaleszenz" der Supper-Böhringer-Lutz-Geschmäckles im Orgelbau wahrlich heute nicht vorstellen kann. Es wäre, als würde man "Gaddafi" morgen zum Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen ausrufen. (gwm)

Der gesamte Text des Engländers hier:
Dear Mr Walcker,
I am wondering if you can help me to solve a puzzle.
I have been a church organist for over 40 years, and am currently at All Saints Church, Falmouth, (www.allsaintsfalmouth.co.uk) not far from my home here in Cornwall, UK. I belong to the Cornwall Organist’s Association, of which I was President last year. Back in 1970, I was living near London, and met a young German lady named Heide-Marie Turner. During the Easter holiday that year, I was invited to stay as a guest of her family in a village near Ulm. Like me, Heide-Marie was a musician, and on one of our sight-seeing trips out, she took me to a place that she called her Music College, where I was able to play two pipe organs, made by your firm, which I photographed while we were there. I lost touch with Heide-Marie many years ago, and have recently discovered my hand-written notes which indicate that the organs were both at a teacher training college in Ludwigsburg. Since then I have searched the internet for pictures or audio recordings with no result. My lasting memory is that of playing two instruments with a most wonderful and memorable sound that I had never heard in this country before, and have rarely heard since, except through audio recordings, which of course is never the same as hearing music “in the flesh”.One of the photographs (Organ 1) I took those many years ago has faded somewhat, but there is just enough detail there to be able to get a good idea of the room or hall in which It was built. That organ was a large 3-manual instrument. You can just about make out the lights of the console towards the lower right side of the instrument. he other picture (Organ 2) was of the another, much smaller, 2-manual organ in the same building. Again, I have only sketchy hand-written information about it. If you do not have access to any information about these organs, please feel free to forward this email on to anyone who might know. I am sending an identical message to the Secretary of the Gesellschaft derOrgelfreunde, whose email address I have also been given.Thank you for spending the time to read this message, and for any response you may care to return,