0954 Dundee St. Josephs

Opus 0954
Baujahr 1901
Ort Dundee Schottland, St. Joseph's 
System pneumatische Kegellade
I.MANUAL C-c4 (61)
Great Organ
Swell Organ
1 Bourdon 16' 10 Liebl. Gedeckt 16'
2 Open Diapason 8' 11 Violin Diapason 8'
3 Clarabella 8' 12 Liebl. Gedeckt 8'
4 Dulciana 8' 13 Salicional 8'
5 Viola di Gamba 8' 14 Voix celeste 8'
6 Harmonic flute 4' 15 Gemshorn 4'
7 Principal 4' 16 Mixtur 3fach 2'
8 Fifteenth 2' 17 Horn 8'
9 Trumpet 8' 18 Oboe 8'
PEDAL C-f1 (30)
19 Open Diapason 16'
20 Subbaß 16'  
21 Octavbaß 8'  
  Bourdon 16' Trans. von 1)
Tremulant Swell
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell Super Octave
3 Combinations Pedal to Great Organ
3 Combinations Pedal to Swell Organ
Balanced Swell Pedal
Windpressure 5 Zoll

visit from Gerhard and Andreas 26thOct2012